Thursday, January 8, 2009

English Homework

1. U2 Supplementary WS Part 1 (MCQ)
Item No 3, Vocabulary Discrete
(b) Item No 3, Vocabulary Cloze (MCQ)
(c) Item No 5, Punctuation
(d) Item No 6 Comprehension MCQ

(e) Again, these are meant as weekend homework. However, there are commendable hard workers in class who are determined to go the extra mile. Learning point mentioned in class: pupils who learn at a faster pace, go the extra mile and complete extra homework will not be penalised but be rewarded with the fruits of self-motivated, independent learning.

(f) U1 Supplementary WS Part 1 (MCQ) has been collected for marking with the exception of 1 pupil who did not bring his work to class. A gentle reminder has been given.


  1. Mr Chew,
    Thanks for all the information. On a different note, will the school consider an earlier recess time. Breakfast is so important for the kids. Some schools have 2 breaks but most schools' recess timeis at 9.30am. More so for the Marist boys, there school hours are slightly longer.

  2. Dear Mrs Tan,
    Thank you very much for your feedback. I will try to bring this up to middle management. Recent news have seen parents writing in to propose that school should start later to allow sufficient sleep for children. I believe this will be taken into due consideration in conjunction with the issue you have mentioned.
