Thursday, January 8, 2009

Important Administrative Document

1. Student Details Report
(a) This has been issued today and is to be returned on 12 January, Monday to faciliate the school's administrative process.

(b) Parents, please look through and update the changes in the various fields, with a blue pen if there any changes or updates.

(c) Do remember to sign on the next page before handing the form back to you child.

(d) Your attention in this matter is greatly appreciated=)

English Homework

1. U2 Supplementary WS Part 1 (MCQ)
Item No 3, Vocabulary Discrete
(b) Item No 3, Vocabulary Cloze (MCQ)
(c) Item No 5, Punctuation
(d) Item No 6 Comprehension MCQ

(e) Again, these are meant as weekend homework. However, there are commendable hard workers in class who are determined to go the extra mile. Learning point mentioned in class: pupils who learn at a faster pace, go the extra mile and complete extra homework will not be penalised but be rewarded with the fruits of self-motivated, independent learning.

(f) U1 Supplementary WS Part 1 (MCQ) has been collected for marking with the exception of 1 pupil who did not bring his work to class. A gentle reminder has been given.

Math Homework

1. U1, Whole Numbers 1, Topical Worksheet a.k.a.TPWS
(a) Having mastered the basic concept of this topic, pupils moved on to attempt more challenging questions set by the school.

(b) TPWS are usually set as homework and should these be available for distribution, they will be usually given out on Thursdays. This is done so that children who are able to finish their work by Friday will be able to have some family time or engage in some recreational activities over the weekend to promote a balanced and healthy lifestyle =)

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

More Administrative Documents

The following documents were given out in class today:
1. Information for Financial Assistance.

2. Letter for Health Screening / Reminder to bring Health Booklet (By 9 January, Friday)

(a) It cost $1.50 to replace a health booklet. But it will take a lot of effort to retrieve the information that was previously recorded.

3. Befrienders Folio (To be used next week)

Math Class work Part 3

1. U1, Challenging Practice / Problem Solving
More snapshot for similar purpose.

(b) The allocated time for Math daily is 60 minutes. By posting these snapshots, learning can take place both in class and outside class, when pupils get home and have greater convenience, seated in front of individual screens and do corrections at thier own pace. This ensures greater coverage and more depth if parents or tutors can help to reinforce concepts taught or encourage their child to learn from mistakes made.

(c) Parents and pupils, please feel free to comment on this new initiative/strategy. Thank You =)

Math Class work Part 2

1. U1, More Math Journal
(a) More snapshots for references and corrections if need arises.

(b) Parents can also check if corrections have been done diligently and accurately before it is collected for a second round of marking by Math teacher.

Math Class work Part 1

1. U1, Math Journal
The 1st snapshot shows an example where is ambiguity in the description of the digit 9 as it is represented in the tens thousand place, hundreds place and tens place. Correction was done and everyone in the class learnt to give this simple topic more thought.

(b) The 2nd snapshot shows a commendable attempt to complete the work. However, the class made a careful observation that the word “thousands” was spelt wrong as “thousands”, missing “h. Correction was done immediately.

(c) Therefore, pupils are reminded the importance of checking their work.

English Homework

1. Essential English Grammar (EEG)
Pupils to read up pg 44 and 45 on the topic of “articles” which was the focus teaching topic for Unit 1 Supplementary Worksheets and complete Exercise 1, pg 51. This serves to reinforce their understanding in this topic.

(b) Strategies and solutions will be discussed in class.

(c) Should pupils have free time at home, they are encouraged to read up on other chapters before they are discussed during lessons.

(d) Answer keys are to be submitted to the English teacher of each respective class and will be returned at the year of the end.

(e) Pupils who have not purchased the book can either make their purchase at the school bookshop (subjected to availability) or at most Popular Bookstores.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Math Class Discussion + Homework

1. Practice 1, U1 WBWS
Snaps shots from the Teacher’s guide are posted after class discussion for pupils to refer to if they need further clarification, or to do corrections at home.

2. Practice 3 and Challenging Practice set as Homework.

English Class Discussion + Homework

1. Item No 2, Grammar Discrete, Unit 1, Part 1 (MCQ)
(a)To supplement the notes already printed in the worksheet, the English Dept has provided a set of comprehensive PowerPoint Slides. The key slides have been uploaded as picture files on the class blog to serve as a reference source for pupils should they need to revisit the topic, especially during revision.

(b) Left Click on the picture if you need to view a bigger version.

(c)Item No.1, Listening Comprehension, No. 6, Comprehension MCQ were discussed in class.

2. Items No. 2, Grammar Discrete, No. 5, Punctuation to be done as homework.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Math Homework, Workbook Worksheets aka W.B.W.S

1. Practice 1, Numbers To 100 000
(a) Spelling Involving digit 4. 4 is Four. 14 is Fourteen. 40 is Forty. The letter ‘U’ is omitted for the word forty.

(b) Closely similar rule for digit 5. 5 is five. 15 is fifteen. 50 is fifty.

(c) Digit 8 is commonly misspelt, e.g eghty. 8 is eight. 18 is eighteen. 80 is eighty. No omission of letter.

(d) Digit 9. 90 is misspelt is ninty. 9 is nine. 19 is nineteen. 90 is ninety.

2. Practice 2, Numbers To 100 000
(a) 2 types of question basically, either write in words the place value or give the ####

Type 1, e.g .45 213. The digit “5” is the thousands place.

Type 2, e.g. 36 752, The digit “7” stands for 700 (give a ###)
Or The value of the digit “7” is 700 (give a (###)

3. Better Strategies
(a) It is alright to write, e.g. 45799 without spacing. However, it will be a good practice to write as 45 799 with a single spacing, to separate the digit in the thousands place from the digit in the hundreds place for better visualisation. The use of comma, e.g. 45,799 will not be penalized but not necessary. The use dash, e.g.45-799 is not allowed as the dash could be misread as the subtraction sign.

English Homework

1. Spelling
(a)The spelling list for Unit 1 has been given. The date for the Spelling Test is scheduled on 14 January 2009, Wednesday, next week.

(b) Commonly Misspelt words are marked with an * and pupils were told to higlight challenging words likely to be tested for CA and SA.

(c) The 5 words under the section, Spelling Fiesta will also be tested.

2. Strategies For Better Spelling Scores
(a) British vs American spelling. In the long run, we are preparing our pupils to sit for the Cambridge Examinations at both “O” and “A” level. Therefore, the use of British Spelling is strongly emphasised. Recognised is British spelling vs Recognized, American spelling, ised instead of ized. As our pupils are exposed to American IT products like Mircosoft Word, they must be careful as the auto-correction funtion is often switched on.

(b) Different word forms. A word, if it is a verb from the spelling listed, could be tested either in present tense, past tense or participle, e.g., the –ing form in examinations.

(d) Noun form vs Verb form from a root word. E.g. Root word, “commit” as a verb would be tested as “commitment”, which is in its noun form.

3. Unit 1 Supplementary Worksheet, Part 2.
(a) Pupils have been briefed to attempt Item No 1, Grammar Cloze and Item No 3, Editing for Spelling & Grammar.

(b) The rest of the sections, usually more challenging, will be discussed in class with the aid of PowerPoint Slides.

4. Unit 1 Supplementary Worksheet, Part 1 (MCQ)
(a) Item No 3, Vocabulary Discrete was discussed in class today. Majority of students of students checked the dictionary and took down notes of the required meanings in their worksheet. We hope that this good habit will continue.

(b) In order to provide immediate feedback, pupils were tasked to marked in green pen as the discussion progressed. Their marks, out of a total of 10 were then, recorded on the front page. Another round of marking will be done by the teacher for corrections and to ensure accuracy.

(d) There were many pupils with full marks. Therefore, pupils with a score less than 7/10 are encouraged to go back and take a second look at the questions and words tested.